Oklahoma Registration
Noncommercial registration rates apply to automobiles; noncommercial and non agricultural trucks; travel trailers and motor homes.
Noncommercial vehicles are registered on the basis of their year of registration.
1st – 4th year $96.00
5th – 8th year $86.00
9th – 12th year $66.00
13th – 16th year $46.00
17th year + $26.00
Legislation took effect November of last year that add extra fees to plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles. The fees are based on the weight of the vehicle and are paid in addition to the vehicles registration.
Weight (lb) Electric/Hybrid
0-5,999 $110/$82
6,000-10,000 $158/$118
10,000-26,000 $363/$272
26,000-90,000 $2,250/$1,687
Farm trucks are trucks or truck tractors utilized primarily in an agricultural capacity. The annual registration fee is $41.00.
To qualify for farm truck registration, one (1) of the following must be presented:
- Current Agriculture Exemption Permit (SMX) issued by the Oklahoma Tax Commission
- Schedule F from the most recent tax year federal income tax return
Commercial trailers are registered for an initial fee of $51.00 and an annual renewal fee of $4.00.
Farm trailers may, at the option of the owner, be registered only (no title issued) for an annual fee of $12.00.
Noncommercial trailers, such as utility and boat trailers may be registered only (no title issued) for an annual fee of $12.00.

Two Year Registration
Starting November 1, 2023 most vehicles can now be registered for a two year period. For example a vehicle expiring in 2023 can be renewed up through 2025 instead of 2024. The renewal amount will be doubled (registration, insurance, state public safety fee) although if your vehicle would have dropped down in price within that two year period that discounted price will be reflected for one years worth. The breakdown of two year registration cost can be found on the renewal notice the state provides. The vehicles that are eligible are: automobiles, motorcycle, autocycle, street legal UTV (not the first time), motor home (RV), travel trailer, private trailer, farm trailer, construction machinery, mobile chapel, exempt trailers, forest trailers, park models, and special mobilized trailers. Vehicles that are NOT eligible are standard UTV, first time street legal UTV, boat, motor, commercial trailer, commercial rental trailer, manufactured homes, and off road motorcycles.
Specialty Plate
Specialty plates are decorative license plates you can purchase through a tag agency or DPS. Most are purely decorative but some, like the handicapped, serve a purpose. Some prenumbered plates are carried in tag agencies: Thunder, OU, OSU, In God We Trust, Monarch Butterfly, and Pioneers of the Prairie. Others need a request form printed out and mailed to Oklahoma Tax Commission or requested through the OkCars website. If the license plate is associated with a fraternity, vocational group, or another similar organization you may be required to show affiliation. They need to be registered every year and they cost extra on top of the vehicles normal registration, they do not replace a vehicles normal registration. They cost anywhere from $15-$45 annually. Fund raising tags tend to cost more. The catalog of plates can be found at this webpage.

Street Legal UTV
Oklahoma law has changed and UTV’s with the proper additions can now be registered for street use. To obtain registration you need the title, valid Oklahoma insurance, and a form stating you have made the proper adjustments. If your title is being held by a lien holder you can come in three business days after your title was processed with the registration instead. The cost can range from $50-$125 depending on the year and model.
Starting Sept. 1, 2024 preregistration took effect in Oklahoma in an effort to cut down on how long paper tags are on vehicles. Now within two business days of sale of a vehicle the seller or buyer will have to submit preregistration information. This does not affect how long you have to transfer the title – that is still two months from the NOTARY date, not sale date. For person to person sales that can either be done online through OkCars, or in person at a tag agency like ours. We will need the notarized bill of sale or the title as well as the buyers information (address, phone number, email, and drivers license). If you are buying from an OK dealership they will submit the preregistration information. If it is an individual sale you can use the title or notarized bill of sale to drive around for five days. If it is a dealership sale the temporary paper plate will be good for ten days. Even sales to people that live or will register the vehicle out of state or with a tribe need to be preregistered. Cars bought out of state and brought to Oklahoma are optional. Here is the state website for more information.
Once preregistration has been processed either a metal license plate will be issued with temporary decals, or if you are using a plate off a car you previously owned, just the decals will be issued out. The month sticker only represents when the temporary registration expires NOT when you need to transfer the title – that is still two months after the NOTARY date. If you include your email when preregistering you should get an email renewal notice when your vehicle is due for the title transfer. If your plate and temporary decals were lost in the mail you can get free replacements 15 days after the sale date. If they were lost or stolen in your care you can replace them but it does cost $9. Some vehicles do not have to be preregistered which are: UTV/ATV, boat, outboard motor, off road motorcycle, farm/forest/private/commercial/rental trailer, construction machinery, mobile chapel, special mobilized trailers, and manufactured homes.
Buying Cars Out of State
Vehicles that have been bought out of state can be registered and titled in Oklahoma at our tag agency. For vehicles that have been bought out of state the title, Oklahoma insurance, and a valid ID is required. If it was bought from a dealership the itemized bill of sale is required, otherwise a declaration of purchase price form can be filled out here. You will pay both excise and sales tax along with registration and miscellaneous fees so it will be the same as titling a car you bought in Oklahoma. Regardless of how long the state you bought your vehicle in has to register and title vehicles you will need to do it within 30 days to avoid penalty in Oklahoma. Sometimes out of state dealers will collect money from you for your Oklahoma taxes and will mail your title packet and check to a tag agency for them to process. You will need to be aware of this and look out for a call from a tag agency in order to finalize your title. You will also need to be aware if you need to fill out a sales tax waiver for the taxes of the state you are buying the car in. An application for Oklahoma title and a VIN inspection is also required which can be completed here. If the car is not present the VIN inspection can be delayed, but you will not receive your physical title until the inspection is complete.

Same Owner Out of State
Vehicles that have been registered out of state can be registered and titled in Oklahoma at our tag agency. You will need either a copy of registration or the title both in your name, Oklahoma insurance, and a valid ID is required. An application for Oklahoma title and a VIN inspection (Form 701-6) is also required which can be completed here or brought in and filled out. Additional paperwork (Form 797-B) is required if the vehicle currently has an active out of state lien. All of these forms require the current owners signature to be notarized. If the car is not present the VIN inspection can be delayed, but you will not receive your physical title until the inspection is complete. If you brought in an out of state registration card in lieu of a title your Oklahoma title will be on hold until the out of state title has been turned in to Oklahoma. You will pay registration, title, transfer, tire waste, and a few other small fees. You will not pay excise or sales tax if it is already titled in your name. Most out of state same owner transfers are between $100-200 although some factors can change that price. You have 30 days from the entry date of the car to register it in Oklahoma before incurring penalty.
Temporary Registration
Temporary registration can be issued in specific cases. If an individual is selling to another individual and there is proof of a lien (the car being financed) then a temporary tag can be issued. The temporary tag is a singular piece of paper that shows registration for 30 days. Proof of individual sale can be either a notarized bill of sale or a notarized title. Proof of financing can be the lien paperwork you get at tag agencies or paperwork you get from the lien holder direct. However, the lien can not be done at the same time as the temporary registration.

Due to the introduction of plate pay we have noticed a spike in turnpike stop suspensions
To resolve any issues please call their Plate Pay & Violations line at: (877) 774-9569
You can also visit their website and resolve toll violations online at this webpage