Starting Sept. 1, 2024 preregistration took effect in Oklahoma in an effort to cut down on how long paper tags are on vehicles. Now within two business days of sale of a vehicle the seller or buyer will have to submit preregistration information. This does not affect how long you have to transfer the title – that is still two months from the NOTARY date, not sale date. For person to person sales that can either be done online through OkCars, or in person at a tag agency like ours. We will need the notarized bill of sale or the title as well as the buyers information (address, phone number, email, and drivers license). If you are buying from an OK dealership they will submit the preregistration information. If it is an individual sale you can use the title or notarized bill of sale to drive around for five days. If it is a dealership sale the temporary paper plate will be good for ten days. Even sales to people that live or will register the vehicle out of state or with a tribe need to be preregistered. Cars bought out of state and brought to Oklahoma are optional. Here is the state website for more information.
Once preregistration has been processed either a metal license plate will be issued with temporary decals, or if you are using a plate off a car you previously owned, just the decals will be issued out. The month sticker only represents when the temporary registration expires NOT when you need to transfer the title – that is still two months after the NOTARY date. If you include your email when preregistering you should get an email renewal notice when your vehicle is due for the title transfer. If your plate and temporary decals were lost in the mail you can get free replacements 15 days after the sale date. If they were lost or stolen in your care you can replace them but it does cost $9. Some vehicles do not have to be preregistered which are: UTV/ATV, boat, outboard motor, off road motorcycle, farm/forest/private/commercial/rental trailer, construction machinery, mobile chapel, special mobilized trailers, and manufactured homes.
Upcoming Changes
Online Reinstatement
You can pay reinstatement fees online in preparation for visiting SOK.
Jan 1, 2023
TOD for Vessels
Boats and motors will now be allowed to have a transfer on death form filed for direct inheritance.
Nov 1, 2023
2 Months to Title
Customers will have 60 days to come into a tag agency for tag title and tax. This is for titles NOTARIZED on/after 11/1/23
Nov 1, 2023 (notary date)
CDL Proof of Residency
CDL's need an additional proof of residency besides an Oklahoma driver's license.
Jan 1, 2023
Trade In Taken Off Sales Tax
Trade in value will now be deducted from ONLY sales tax calculations. Excise is still paid on the full value.
Nov 1, 2023
Two Year Registration
Customer's will have the option of choosing registration that lasts for two years.
Nov 1, 2023

Given the new legislative changes, please remember we do not make the laws.
Here is the contact information for the people that do
Follow the link to find your representatives